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Class Guacamole.Mouse

Defined in: Mouse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Provides cross-browser mouse events for a given element.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The current mouse state.
The number of pixels to scroll per line.
The number of pixels to scroll per page.
Cumulative scroll delta amount.
The minimum amount of pixels scrolled required for a single scroll button click.
The number of mousemove events to require before re-enabling mouse event handling after receiving a touch event.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
setCursor(canvas, x, y)
Changes the local mouse cursor to the given canvas, having the given hotspot coordinates.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Fired whenever the user presses a mouse button down over the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.
Fired whenever the user moves the mouse over the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.
Fired whenever the mouse leaves the boundaries of the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.
Fired whenever the user releases a mouse button down over the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.
Class Detail
Provides cross-browser mouse events for a given element. The events of the given element are automatically populated with handlers that translate mouse events into a non-browser-specific event provided by the Guacamole.Mouse instance.
{Element} element
The Element to use to provide mouse events.
Field Detail
{Guacamole.Mouse.State} currentState
The current mouse state. The properties of this state are updated when mouse events fire. This state object is also passed in as a parameter to the handler of any mouse events.

The number of pixels to scroll per line.

The number of pixels to scroll per page.

<inner> scroll_delta
Cumulative scroll delta amount. This value is accumulated through scroll events and results in scroll button clicks if it exceeds a certain threshold.

The minimum amount of pixels scrolled required for a single scroll button click.

The number of mousemove events to require before re-enabling mouse event handling after receiving a touch event.
Method Detail
{Boolean} setCursor(canvas, x, y)
Changes the local mouse cursor to the given canvas, having the given hotspot coordinates. This affects styling of the element backing this Guacamole.Mouse only, and may fail depending on browser support for setting the mouse cursor. If setting the local cursor is desired, it is up to the implementation to do something else, such as use the software cursor built into Guacamole.Display, if the local cursor cannot be set.
{HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
The cursor image.
{Number} x
The X-coordinate of the cursor hotspot.
{Number} y
The Y-coordinate of the cursor hotspot.
{Boolean} true if the cursor was successfully set, false if the cursor could not be set for any reason.
Event Detail
Fired whenever the user presses a mouse button down over the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.
{Guacamole.Mouse.State} state
The current mouse state.

Fired whenever the user moves the mouse over the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.
{Guacamole.Mouse.State} state
The current mouse state.

Fired whenever the mouse leaves the boundaries of the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.

Fired whenever the user releases a mouse button down over the element associated with this Guacamole.Mouse.
{Guacamole.Mouse.State} state
The current mouse state.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Feb 16 2015 17:53:59 GMT-0800 (PST)