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Class Guacamole.BlobReader

Defined in: BlobReader.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Guacamole.BlobReader(stream, mimetype)
A reader which automatically handles the given input stream, assembling all received blobs into a single blob by appending them to each other in order.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the contents of this Guacamole.BlobReader as a Blob.
Returns the current length of this Guacamole.InputStream, in bytes.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Fired once this stream is finished and no further data will be written.
Fired once for every blob of data received.
Class Detail
Guacamole.BlobReader(stream, mimetype)
A reader which automatically handles the given input stream, assembling all received blobs into a single blob by appending them to each other in order. Note that this object will overwrite any installed event handlers on the given Guacamole.InputStream.
{Guacamole.InputStream} stream
The stream that data will be read from.
{String} mimetype
The mimetype of the blob being built.
Method Detail
{Blob} getBlob()
Returns the contents of this Guacamole.BlobReader as a Blob.
{Blob} The contents of this Guacamole.BlobReader.

{Number} getLength()
Returns the current length of this Guacamole.InputStream, in bytes.
{Number} The current length of this Guacamole.InputStream.
Event Detail
Fired once this stream is finished and no further data will be written.

Fired once for every blob of data received.
{Number} length
The number of bytes received.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Feb 16 2015 17:53:58 GMT-0800 (PST)