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Class Guacamole.InputStream

Defined in: InputStream.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Guacamole.InputStream(client, index)
An input stream abstraction used by the Guacamole client to facilitate transfer of files or other binary data.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The index of this stream.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
sendAck(message, code)
Acknowledges the receipt of a blob.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Called when a blob of data is received.
Called when this stream is closed.
Class Detail
Guacamole.InputStream(client, index)
An input stream abstraction used by the Guacamole client to facilitate transfer of files or other binary data.
{Guacamole.Client} client
The client owning this stream.
{Number} index
The index of this stream.
Field Detail
{Number} index
The index of this stream.
Method Detail
sendAck(message, code)
Acknowledges the receipt of a blob.
{String} message
A human-readable message describing the error or status.
{Number} code
The error code, if any, or 0 for success.
Event Detail
Called when a blob of data is received.
{String} data
The received base64 data.

Called when this stream is closed.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Feb 16 2015 17:53:58 GMT-0800 (PST)