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Class Guacamole.AudioChannel

Defined in: AudioChannel.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Abstract audio channel which queues and plays arbitrary audio data.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns a base timestamp which can be used for scheduling future audio playback.
play(mimetype, duration, data)
Queues up the given data for playing by this channel once all previously queued data has been played.
Class Detail
Abstract audio channel which queues and plays arbitrary audio data.
Method Detail
<static> {Number} Guacamole.AudioChannel.getTimestamp()
Returns a base timestamp which can be used for scheduling future audio playback. Scheduling playback for the value returned by this function plus N will cause the associated audio to be played back N milliseconds after the function is called.
{Number} An arbitrary channel-relative timestamp, in milliseconds.

play(mimetype, duration, data)
Queues up the given data for playing by this channel once all previously queued data has been played. If no data has been queued, the data will play immediately.
{String} mimetype
The mimetype of the data provided.
{Number} duration
The duration of the data provided, in milliseconds.
{Blob} data
The blob data to play.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Feb 16 2015 17:53:57 GMT-0800 (PST)