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Class Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard

Defined in: OnScreenKeyboard.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Dynamic on-screen keyboard.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The number of mousemove events to require before re-enabling mouse event handling after receiving a touch event.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the element containing the entire on-screen keyboard.
Resizes all elements within this Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard such that the width is close to but does not exceed the specified width.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Fired whenever the user presses a key on this Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.
Fired whenever the user releases a key on this Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.
Class Detail
Dynamic on-screen keyboard. Given the URL to an XML keyboard layout file, this object will download and use the XML to construct a clickable on-screen keyboard with its own key events.
{String} url
The URL of an XML keyboard layout file.
Field Detail
The number of mousemove events to require before re-enabling mouse event handling after receiving a touch event.
Method Detail
{Element} getElement()
Returns the element containing the entire on-screen keyboard.
{Element} The element containing the entire on-screen keyboard.

Resizes all elements within this Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard such that the width is close to but does not exceed the specified width. The height of the keyboard is determined based on the width.
{Number} width
The width to resize this Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard to, in pixels.
Event Detail
Fired whenever the user presses a key on this Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.
{Number} keysym
The keysym of the key being pressed.

Fired whenever the user releases a key on this Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.
{Number} keysym
The keysym of the key being released.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Mar 28 2014 20:51:45 GMT-0700 (PDT)