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Class Guacamole.ArrayBufferReader

Defined in: ArrayBufferReader.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A reader which automatically handles the given input stream, returning strictly received packets as array buffers.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Fired once for every blob of data received.
Fired once this stream is finished and no further data will be written.
Class Detail
A reader which automatically handles the given input stream, returning strictly received packets as array buffers. Note that this object will overwrite any installed event handlers on the given Guacamole.InputStream.
{Guacamole.InputStream} stream
The stream that data will be read from.
Event Detail
Fired once for every blob of data received.
{ArrayBuffer} buffer
The data packet received.

Fired once this stream is finished and no further data will be written.

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