Class: Layout


new Layout(templatenon-null)

Represents an entire on-screen keyboard layout, including all available keys, their behaviors, and their relative position and sizing.
Name Type Description
template Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Layout | object The object whose identically-named properties will be used to initialize the properties of this layout.


(non-null) keyWidths :Object.<string, number>

The width of each key, in arbitrary units, relative to other keys in this layout. The true pixel size of each key will be determined by the overall size of the keyboard. If not defined here, the width of each key will default to 1.
  • Object.<string, number>

(non-null) keys :Object.<string, (number|string|Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Key|Array.<Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.Key>)>

Map of key name to corresponding keysym, title, or key object. If only the keysym or title is provided, the key object will be created implicitly. In all cases, the name property of the key object will be taken from the name given in the mapping.

(non-null) language :string

The language of keyboard layout, such as "en_US". This property is for informational purposes only, but it is recommend to conform to the [language code]_[country code] format.
  • string

(non-null) layout :object

Arbitrarily nested, arbitrarily grouped key names. The contents of the layout will be traversed to produce an identically-nested grouping of keys in the DOM tree. All strings will be transformed into their corresponding sets of keys, while all objects and arrays will be transformed into named groups and anonymous groups respectively. Any numbers present will be transformed into gaps of that size, scaled according to the same units as each key.
  • object

(non-null) type :string

The type of keyboard layout, such as "qwerty". This property is for informational purposes only, and does not conform to any standard.
  • string

(non-null) width :number

The width of the entire keyboard, in arbitrary units. The width of each key is relative to this width, as both width values are assumed to be in the same units. The conversion factor between these units and pixels is derived later via a call to resize() on the Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard.
  • number