libguac 1.5.5
No Matches
guacamole Directory Reference


 Constants related to automatic handling of received "argv" instructions.
 Function type definitions related to automatic handling of received "argv" instructions.
 Convenience functions for processing parameter values that are submitted dynamically using "argv" instructions.
 Function type definitions related to simple streaming audio.
 Type definitions related to simple streaming audio.
 Provides functions and structures used for providing simple streaming audio.
 Constants related to the Guacamole client structure, guac_client.
 Function type definitions related to the Guacamole client structure, guac_client.
 Type definitions related to the Guacamole client structure, guac_client.
 Functions and structure contents for the Guacamole proxy client.
 Type definitions related to return values and errors.
 Provides functions and structures required for handling return values and errors.
 Provides functions and structures for producing likely-to-be-unique hash values for images.
 Type definitions related to Guacamole layers.
 Provides functions and structures required for allocating and using layers.
 Provides convenience macros/functions for performing arithmetic on size_t values and for allocating memory, particularly memory related to images, audio, etc.
 Type definitions related to Guacamole protocol objects.
 Provides functions and structures required for allocating and using objects.
 Constants related to the Guacamole protocol parser.
 Type definitions related to parsing the Guacamole protocol.
 Provides functions and structures for parsing the Guacamole protocol.
 Constants related to client plugins.
 Provides functions and structures required for handling a client plugin.
 Type definitions related to the guac_pool pool of unique integers.
 Provides functions and structures for maintaining dynamically allocated and freed pools of integers.
 Constants related to the Guacamole protocol.
 Type definitions related to the Guacamole protocol.
 Provides functions and structures required for communicating using the Guacamole protocol over a guac_socket connection, such as that provided by guac_client objects.
 Provides functions and structures to be use for session recording.
 Constants related to the guac_socket object.
 Function type definitions related to the guac_socket object.
 Provides an SSL/TLS implementation of guac_socket.
 Type definitions related to the guac_socket object.
 Provides an implementation of guac_socket specific to the Windows Socket API (aka WSA or "winsock").
 Defines the guac_socket object and functions for using and manipulating it.
 Type definitions related to Guacamole protocol streams.
 Provides functions and structures required for allocating and using streams.
 Provides convenience functions for manipulating strings.
 Type definitions related to Guacamole protocol timestamps.
 Provides functions and structures for creating timestamps.
 Provides functions for manipulating Unicode strings.
 Constants related to the Guacamole user structure, guac_user.
 Function type definitions related to the guac_user object.
 Type definitions related to the guac_user object.
 Defines the guac_user object, which represents a physical connection within a larger, possibly shared, logical connection represented by a guac_client.
 Header file that provides constants and defaults related to libguac Wake-on-LAN support.
 Header that provides functions and structures related to Wake-on-LAN support in libguac.