Guacamole proxy client. More...
Data Fields | |
guac_socket * | socket |
The guac_socket structure to be used to communicate with all connected web-clients (users). More... | |
guac_client_state | state |
The current state of the client. More... | |
void * | data |
Arbitrary reference to proxy client-specific data. More... | |
guac_timestamp | last_sent_timestamp |
The time (in milliseconds) that the last sync message was sent to the client. | |
guac_client_free_handler * | free_handler |
Handler for freeing data when the client is being unloaded. More... | |
guac_client_log_handler * | log_handler |
Logging handler. More... | |
char * | connection_id |
The unique identifier allocated for the connection, which may be used within the Guacamole protocol to refer to this connection. More... | |
int | connected_users |
The number of currently-connected users. More... | |
guac_user_join_handler * | join_handler |
Handler for join events, called whenever a new user is joining an active connection. More... | |
guac_user_leave_handler * | leave_handler |
Handler for leave events, called whenever a new user is leaving an active connection. More... | |
const char ** | args |
NULL-terminated array of all arguments accepted by this client , in order. More... | |
Guacamole proxy client.
Represents a Guacamole proxy client (the client which communicates to a server on behalf of Guacamole, on behalf of the web-client).
const char** guac_client::args |
NULL-terminated array of all arguments accepted by this client , in order.
New users will specify these arguments when they join the connection, and the values of those arguments will be made available to the function initializing newly-joined users.
The guac_client_init entry point is expected to initialize this, if arguments are expected.
int guac_client::connected_users |
The number of currently-connected users.
This value may include inactive users if cleanup of those users has not yet finished.
char* guac_client::connection_id |
The unique identifier allocated for the connection, which may be used within the Guacamole protocol to refer to this connection.
This identifier is guaranteed to be unique from all existing connections and will not collide with any available protocol names.
void* guac_client::data |
Arbitrary reference to proxy client-specific data.
Implementors of a Guacamole proxy client can store any data they want here, which can then be retrieved as necessary in the message handlers.
guac_client_free_handler* guac_client::free_handler |
Handler for freeing data when the client is being unloaded.
This handler will be called when the client needs to be unloaded by the proxy, and any data allocated by the proxy client should be freed.
Note that this handler will NOT be called if the client's guac_client_init() function fails.
Implement this handler if you store data inside the client.
guac_user_join_handler* guac_client::join_handler |
Handler for join events, called whenever a new user is joining an active connection.
Note that because users may leave the connection at any time, a reference to a guac_user can become invalid at any time and should never be maintained outside the scope of a function invoked by libguac to which that guac_user was passed (the scope in which the guac_user reference is guaranteed to be valid) UNLESS that reference is properly invalidated within the leave_handler.
The handler is given a pointer to a newly-allocated guac_user which must then be initialized, if needed.
guac_user_leave_handler* guac_client::leave_handler |
Handler for leave events, called whenever a new user is leaving an active connection.
The handler is given a pointer to the leaving guac_user whose custom data and associated resources must now be freed, if any.
guac_client_log_handler* guac_client::log_handler |
Logging handler.
This handler will be called via guac_client_log() when the client needs to log messages of any type.
In general, only programs loading the client should implement this handler, as those are the programs that would provide the logging facilities.
Client implementations should expect these handlers to already be set.
guac_socket* guac_client::socket |
The guac_socket structure to be used to communicate with all connected web-clients (users).
Unlike the user-level guac_socket, this guac_socket will broadcast instructions to all connected users simultaneously. It is expected that the implementor of any Guacamole proxy client will provide their own mechanism of I/O for their protocol. The guac_socket structure is used only to communicate conveniently with the Guacamole web-client.
guac_client_state guac_client::state |
The current state of the client.
When the client is first allocated, this will be initialized to GUAC_CLIENT_RUNNING. It will remain at GUAC_CLIENT_RUNNING until an event occurs which requires the client to shutdown, at which point the state becomes GUAC_CLIENT_STOPPING.