libguac  1.5.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 argv-constants.hConstants related to automatic handling of received "argv" instructions
 argv-fntypes.hFunction type definitions related to automatic handling of received "argv" instructions
 argv.hConvenience functions for processing parameter values that are submitted dynamically using "argv" instructions
 audio-fntypes.hFunction type definitions related to simple streaming audio
 audio-types.hType definitions related to simple streaming audio
 audio.hProvides functions and structures used for providing simple streaming audio
 client-constants.hConstants related to the Guacamole client structure, guac_client
 client-fntypes.hFunction type definitions related to the Guacamole client structure, guac_client
 client-types.hType definitions related to the Guacamole client structure, guac_client
 client.hFunctions and structure contents for the Guacamole proxy client
 error-types.hType definitions related to return values and errors
 error.hProvides functions and structures required for handling return values and errors
 hash.hProvides functions and structures for producing likely-to-be-unique hash values for images
 layer-types.hType definitions related to Guacamole layers
 layer.hProvides functions and structures required for allocating and using layers
 object-types.hType definitions related to Guacamole protocol objects
 object.hProvides functions and structures required for allocating and using objects
 parser-constants.hConstants related to the Guacamole protocol parser
 parser-types.hType definitions related to parsing the Guacamole protocol
 parser.hProvides functions and structures for parsing the Guacamole protocol
 plugin-constants.hConstants related to client plugins
 plugin.hProvides functions and structures required for handling a client plugin
 pool-types.hType definitions related to the guac_pool pool of unique integers
 pool.hProvides functions and structures for maintaining dynamically allocated and freed pools of integers
 protocol-constants.hConstants related to the Guacamole protocol
 protocol-types.hType definitions related to the Guacamole protocol
 protocol.hProvides functions and structures required for communicating using the Guacamole protocol over a guac_socket connection, such as that provided by guac_client objects
 recording.hProvides functions and structures to be use for session recording
 socket-constants.hConstants related to the guac_socket object
 socket-fntypes.hFunction type definitions related to the guac_socket object
 socket-ssl.hProvides an SSL/TLS implementation of guac_socket
 socket-types.hType definitions related to the guac_socket object
 socket-wsa.hProvides an implementation of guac_socket specific to the Windows Socket API (aka WSA or "winsock")
 socket.hDefines the guac_socket object and functionss for using and manipulating it
 stream-types.hType definitions related to Guacamole protocol streams
 stream.hProvides functions and structures required for allocating and using streams
 string.hProvides convenience functions for manipulating strings
 timestamp-types.hType definitions related to Guacamole protocol timestamps
 timestamp.hProvides functions and structures for creating timestamps
 unicode.hProvides functions for manipulating Unicode strings
 user-constants.hConstants related to the Guacamole user structure, guac_user
 user-fntypes.hFunction type definitions related to the guac_user object
 user-types.hType definitions related to the guac_user object
 user.hDefines the guac_user object, which represents a physical connection within a larger, possibly shared, logical connection represented by a guac_client
 wol-constants.hHeader file that provides constants and defaults related to libguac Wake-on-LAN support
 wol.hHeader that provides functions and structures related to Wake-on-LAN support in libguac