Class |
Description |
AbstractActiveConnection |
Base implementation of an ActiveConnection, providing storage and simply
getters/setters for its main properties.
AbstractActivityLog |
Base implementation of an ActivityLog, providing storage and simple
getters/setters for its main properties.
AbstractAuthenticatedUser |
Basic implementation of an AuthenticatedUser which uses the username to
determine equality.
AbstractAuthenticationProvider |
Base implementation of AuthenticationProvider which provides default
implementations of most functions.
AbstractConnection |
Basic implementation of a Guacamole connection.
AbstractConnectionGroup |
Basic implementation of a Guacamole connection group.
AbstractIdentifiable |
Abstract implementation of Identifiable which provides equals() and
hashCode() implementations which use the identifier to determine equality.
AbstractSharingProfile |
Base implementation of a sharing profile which can be used to share a
Guacamole connection.
AbstractUser |
Base implementation of User which provides default implementations of
most functions.
AbstractUserContext |
Base implementation of UserContext which provides default implementations of
most functions.
AbstractUserGroup |
Base implementation of UserGroup which provides default implementations of
most functions.
ActiveConnection |
A pairing of username and GuacamoleTunnel representing an active usage of a
particular connection.
ActivityLog |
An arbitrary log of an activity whose content may be exposed to a user with
sufficient privileges.
ActivityLog.Type |
ActivityRecord |
A logging record describing when a user started and ended a particular
ActivityRecordSet<RecordType extends ActivityRecord> |
A set of all available records related to a type of activity which has a
defined start and end time, such as a user being logged in or connected, or a
subset of those records.
ActivityRecordSet.SortableProperty |
All properties of activity records which can be used as sorting
Attributes |
An object which is associated with a set of arbitrary attributes that may
be modifiable, defined as name/value pairs.
AuthenticatedUser |
A user of the Guacamole web application who has been authenticated by an
AuthenticationFailureEvent |
An event which is triggered whenever a user's credentials fail to be
AuthenticationFailureListener |
AuthenticationProvider |
Provides means of authorizing users and for accessing and managing data
associated with those users.
AuthenticationSuccessEvent |
An event which is triggered whenever a user's credentials pass
AuthenticationSuccessListener |
BooleanField |
Represents a field with strictly one possible value.
BooleanGuacamoleProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is an boolean.
ByteArrayProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a byte array.
Connectable |
An object which Guacamole can connect to.
Connection |
Represents a pairing of a GuacamoleConfiguration with a unique,
human-readable identifier, and abstracts the connection process.
ConnectionGroup |
Represents a connection group, which can contain both other connection groups
as well as connections.
ConnectionGroup.Type |
All legal types of connection group.
ConnectionRecord |
A logging record describing when a user started and ended usage of a
particular connection.
ConnectionRecordSet |
CredentialEvent |
Abstract basis for events which may have associated user credentials when
Credentials |
Simple arbitrary set of credentials, including a username/password pair,
the HttpServletRequest associated with the request for authorization
(if any) and the HttpSession associated with that request.
CredentialsInfo |
Information which describes a set of valid credentials.
DateField |
Represents a date field.
DecoratingActivityRecordSet<RecordType extends ActivityRecord> |
ActivityRecordSet implementation which simplifies decorating the records
within an underlying ActivityRecordSet.
DecoratingDirectory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> |
Directory implementation which simplifies decorating the objects within an
underlying Directory.
DelegatingActivityRecord |
ActivityRecord implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an
underlying ActivityRecord.
DelegatingActivityRecordSet<RecordType extends ActivityRecord> |
ActivityRecordSet implementation which simply delegates all function calls
to an underlying ActivityRecordSet.
DelegatingConnection |
Connection implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an
underlying Connection.
DelegatingConnectionGroup |
ConnectionGroup implementation which simply delegates all function calls to
an underlying ConnectionGroup.
DelegatingConnectionRecord |
ConnectionRecord implementation which simply delegates all function calls to
an underlying ConnectionRecord.
DelegatingDirectory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> |
Directory implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an
underlying Directory.
DelegatingEnvironment |
Environment implementation which simply delegates all function calls to a
wrapped Environment instance.
DelegatingSharingProfile |
SharingProfile implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an
underlying SharingProfile.
DelegatingUser |
User implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an
underlying User.
DelegatingUserContext |
UserContext implementation which simply delegates all function calls to
an underlying UserContext.
DelegatingUserGroup |
UserGroup implementation which simply delegates all function calls to an
underlying UserGroup.
Directory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> |
Provides access to a collection of all objects with associated identifiers,
and allows user manipulation and removal.
DocumentHandler |
A simple ContentHandler implementation which digests SAX document events and
produces simpler tag-level events, maintaining its own stack for the
convenience of the tag handlers.
EmailField |
Represents a text field which may contain an email address.
EnumField |
Represents an arbitrary field with a finite, enumerated set of possible
EnumGuacamoleProperty<T extends Enum<T>> |
A GuacamoleProperty whose possible values are defined by an enum.
EnumGuacamoleProperty.PropertyValue |
Defines the string value which should be accepted and parsed into the
annotated enum constant.
Environment |
The environment of an arbitrary Guacamole instance, describing available
protocols, configuration parameters, and the GUACAMOLE_HOME directory.
Field |
Represents an arbitrary field, such as an HTTP parameter, the parameter of a
remote desktop protocol, or an input field within a form.
Field.Type |
All types of fields which are available by default.
FieldOption |
Describes an available legal value for an enumerated field.
FileActivityLog |
ActivityLog implementation that exposes the content of a local file.
FileGuacamoleProperties |
GuacamoleProperties implementation which reads all properties from a
standard Java properties file.
FileGuacamoleProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a filename.
Form |
Information which describes logical set of fields.
GuacamoleCredentialsException |
A security-related exception thrown when access is denied to a user because
of a problem related to the provided credentials.
GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException |
A security-related exception thrown when access is denied to a user because
the provided credentials are not sufficient for authentication to succeed.
GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException |
A security-related exception thrown when access is denied to a user because
the provided credentials are invalid.
GuacamoleProperties |
An arbitrary set of Guacamole configuration property name/value pairs.
GuacamoleProperty<Type> |
An abstract representation of a property in the file,
which parses into a specific type.
GuacamoleProxyConfiguration |
Information which describes how the connection to guacd should be
GuacamoleProxyConfiguration.EncryptionMethod |
All possible types of encryption used by guacd.
GuacamoleTokenUndefinedException |
An exception thrown when a token cannot be substituted because it has no
corresponding value.
Identifiable |
An object which has a deterministic, unique identifier, which may not be
IntegerGuacamoleProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is an integer.
LanguageField |
Represents a language field.
Listener |
A listener for events that occur in handing various Guacamole requests
such as authentication, tunnel connect/close, etc.
LocalEnvironment |
The environment of the locally-running Guacamole instance, describing
available protocols, configuration parameters, and the GUACAMOLE_HOME
LongGuacamoleProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is an long.
MultilineField |
Represents a field which can contain multiple lines of text.
NumericField |
Represents a field which may contain only integer values.
ObjectPermission |
A permission which affects a specific object, rather than the system as a
ObjectPermission.Type |
Specific types of object-level permissions.
ObjectPermissionSet |
A set of permissions which affect arbitrary objects, where each object has
an associated unique identifier.
PasswordField |
Represents a field which contains sensitive text information related to
authenticating a user.
Permission<Type extends Enum> |
A permission which affects a specific type of operation, where all available
operation types are defined by an enumeration.
Permissions |
An object which may be granted permissions to access/manipulate various
other objects or aspects of the system.
PermissionSet<PermissionType extends Permission> |
An arbitrary set of permissions.
PropertiesGuacamoleProperties |
GuacamoleProperties implementation which reads all properties from a
Properties object.
ProtocolInfo |
Describes a protocol and all parameters associated with it, as required by
a protocol plugin for guacd.
ReadableAttributes |
An object which is associated with a set of arbitrary attributes, defined
as name/value pairs.
RedirectField |
A Guacamole field that redirects a user to another page.
RelatedObjectSet |
An arbitrary set of existing objects sharing some common relation.
Shareable<T> |
An object which can be shared with others via specially-generated sets of
SharingProfile |
Represents the semantics which apply to an existing connection when shared,
along with a human-readable name and unique identifier.
SimpleActivityRecordSet<RecordType extends ActivityRecord> |
An immutable and empty ActivityRecordSet.
SimpleAuthenticationProvider |
Provides means of retrieving a set of named GuacamoleConfigurations for a
given Credentials object.
SimpleConnection |
A Connection implementation which establishes the underlying connection to
guacd using the configuration information provided in
SimpleConnectionDirectory |
SimpleConnectionGroup |
An extremely simple read-only implementation of a ConnectionGroup which
returns the connection and connection group identifiers it was constructed
SimpleConnectionGroupDirectory |
SimpleConnectionRecordSet |
SimpleDirectory<ObjectType extends Identifiable> |
An extremely simple read-only implementation of a Directory which provides
access to a pre-defined Map of arbitrary objects.
SimpleObjectPermissionSet |
A read-only implementation of ObjectPermissionSet which uses a backing Set
of Permissions to determine which permissions are present.
SimpleRelatedObjectSet |
A read-only implementation of RelatedObjectSet which uses a backing Set
of identifiers to determine which objects are present.
SimpleSystemPermissionSet |
A read-only implementation of SystemPermissionSet which uses a backing Set
of Permissions to determine which permissions are present.
SimpleUser |
A read-only User implementation which has no permissions.
SimpleUserContext |
An extremely simple UserContext implementation which provides access to
a defined and restricted set of GuacamoleConfigurations.
SimpleUserDirectory |
SimpleUserGroup |
A read-only UserGroup implementation which has no members and no
StandardTokens |
StringGuacamoleProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a simple string.
StringListProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a List of Strings.
SystemPermission |
A permission which affects the system as a whole, rather than an individual
SystemPermission.Type |
Specific types of system-level permissions.
SystemPermissionSet |
A set of permissions which affects the system as a whole.
TagHandler |
A simple element-level event handler for events triggered by the
SAX-driven DocumentHandler parser.
TerminalColorSchemeField |
Represents a terminal color scheme field.
TextField |
Represents a basic text field.
TimeField |
Represents a time field.
TimeZoneField |
Represents a time zone field.
TimeZoneGuacamoleProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a TimeZone.
TokenFilter |
Filtering object which replaces tokens of the form "${TOKEN_NAME}" with
their corresponding values.
TokenInjectingConnection |
Connection implementation which overrides the connect() function of an
underlying Connection, adding a given set of parameter tokens to the tokens
already supplied.
TokenInjectingConnectionGroup |
ConnectionGroup implementation which overrides the connect() function of an
underlying ConnectionGroup, adding a given set of parameter tokens to the
tokens already supplied.
TokenInjectingUserContext |
UserContext implementation which decorates a given UserContext,
automatically applying additional parameter tokens during the connection
process of any retrieved Connections and ConnectionGroups.
TokenName |
Utility class for generating parameter token names.
Translatable |
An object which is associated with a translatable message that can be passed
through an arbitrary translation service, producing a human-readable message
in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientBadTypeException |
A GuacamoleClientBadTypeException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientException |
A GuacamoleClientException whose associated message is translatable
and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a
human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientOverrunException |
A GuacamoleClientOverrunException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTimeoutException |
A GuacamoleClientTimeoutException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleClientTooManyException |
A GuacamoleClientTooManyException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleConnectionClosedException |
A GuacamoleConnectionClosedException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleCredentialsException |
A GuacamoleCredentialsException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException |
A GuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException whose associated message
is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException |
A GuacamoleInvalidCredentialsException whose associated message
is translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceClosedException |
A GuacamoleResourceClosedException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceConflictException |
A GuacamoleResourceConflictException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleResourceNotFoundException |
A GuacamoleResourceNotFoundException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSecurityException |
A GuacamoleSecurityException whose associated message is translatable
and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a
human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerBusyException |
A GuacamoleServerBusyException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleServerException |
A GuacamoleServerException whose associated message is translatable
and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a
human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionClosedException |
A GuacamoleSessionClosedException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionConflictException |
A GuacamoleSessionConflictException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleSessionTimeoutException |
A GuacamoleSessionTimeoutException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnauthorizedException |
A GuacamoleUnauthorizedException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUnsupportedException |
A GuacamoleUnsupportedException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamException |
A GuacamoleUpstreamException whose associated message is translatable
and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service, producing a
human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException |
A GuacamoleUpstreamNotFoundException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException |
A GuacamoleUpstreamTimeoutException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableGuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException |
A GuacamoleUpstreamUnavailableException whose associated message is
translatable and can be passed through an arbitrary translation service,
producing a human-readable message in the user's native language.
TranslatableMessage |
A message which can be translated using a translation service, providing a
translation key and optional set of values to be substituted into the
translation string associated with that key.
TunnelCloseEvent |
An event which is triggered whenever a tunnel is being closed.
TunnelCloseListener |
TunnelConnectEvent |
An event which is triggered whenever a tunnel is being connected.
TunnelConnectListener |
TunnelEvent |
Abstract basis for events associated with tunnels.
URIGuacamoleProperty |
A GuacamoleProperty whose value is a URI.
User |
A user of the Guacamole web application.
User.Attribute |
All standard attribute names with semantics defined by the Guacamole web
UserContext |
The context of an active user.
UserCredentials |
A fully-valid set of credentials and associated values.
UserEvent |
Abstract basis for events which may have an associated AuthenticatedUser when
UserGroup |
A user group of the Guacamole web application.
UsernameField |
Represents a text field which will contain the uniquely-identifying name of
a user.