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Class Guacamole.ChainedTunnel

Extends Guacamole.Tunnel.

Defined in: tunnel.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Guacamole Tunnel which cycles between all specified tunnels until no tunnels are left.
Methods borrowed from class Guacamole.Tunnel:
connect, disconnect, sendMessage
Events borrowed from class Guacamole.Tunnel:
onerror, oninstruction
Class Detail
Guacamole Tunnel which cycles between all specified tunnels until no tunnels are left. Another tunnel is used if an error occurs but no instructions have been received. If an instruction has been received, or no tunnels remain, the error is passed directly out through the onerror handler (if defined).
{...} tunnel_chain
The tunnels to use, in order of priority.

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