Interface User

    • Method Detail

      • getPassword

        String getPassword()
        Returns this user's password. Note that the password returned may be hashed or completely arbitrary.
        A String which may (or may not) be the user's password.
      • setPassword

        void setPassword​(String password)
        Sets this user's password. Note that while this function is guaranteed to change the password of this User object, there is no guarantee that getPassword() will return the value given to setPassword().
        password - The password to set.
      • getLastActive

        Date getLastActive()
        Returns the date and time that this user was last active. If the user was never active, the time that the user was last active is unknown, or this information is not visible to the current user, this may be null.
        The date and time this user was last active, or null if this information is unavailable or inapplicable.
      • getHistory

        default List<? extends ActivityRecord> getHistory()
                                                   throws org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException
        This function is deprecated in favor of getUserHistory(), which returns the login history as an ActivityRecordSet which supports various sort and filter functions. While this continues to be defined for API compatibility, new implementation should avoid this function and use getUserHistory(), instead.
        Returns a list of ActivityRecords representing the login history of this user, including any active sessions. ActivityRecords in this list will be sorted in descending order of end time (active sessions are first), and then in descending order of start time (newer sessions are first). If user login history is not implemented this method should throw GuacamoleUnsupportedException.
        A list of ActivityRecords representing the login history of this User.
        org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException - If history tracking is not implemented, if an error occurs while reading the history of this user, or if permission is denied.
      • getUserHistory

        default ActivityRecordSet<ActivityRecord> getUserHistory()
                                                          throws org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException
        Returns an ActivityRecordSet containing ActivityRecords representing the login history for this user, including any active sessions. ActivityRecords in this list will be sorted in descending order of end time (active sessions are first), and then in descending order of start time (newer sessions are first). If login history tracking is not implemented, or is only implemented using the deprecated getHistory() method, this method should throw GuacamoleUnsupportedException.
        An ActivityRecordSet containing ActivityRecords representing the login history for this user.
        org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException - If history tracking is not implemented, if an error occurs while reading the history of this user, or if permission is denied.
      • getUserGroups

        RelatedObjectSet getUserGroups()
                                throws org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException
        Returns a set of all readable user groups of which this user is a member. If permission is granted for the current user to modify the membership of this user, then the returned set will be mutable, and any such modifications should be made through changes to the returned set.
        The set of all readable user groups of which this user is a member.
        org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException - If an error occurs while retrieving the user groups.
      • getEffectivePermissions

        Permissions getEffectivePermissions()
                                     throws org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException
        Returns a read-only view of all permissions granted to this user. The exact semantics of what permissions are granted are up to the implementation, and the permissions within this view may be implied, derived dynamically, inherited through multiple levels of group membership, etc.
        A read-only view of the permissions which are granted to this user.
        org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException - If an error occurs while retrieving permissions, or if reading all permissions is not allowed.