* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var Guacamole = Guacamole || {};
* A recording of a Guacamole session. Given a {@link Guacamole.Tunnel}, the
* Guacamole.SessionRecording automatically handles incoming Guacamole
* instructions, storing them for playback. Playback of the recording may be
* controlled through function calls to the Guacamole.SessionRecording, even
* while the recording has not yet finished being created or downloaded.
* @constructor
* @param {!Guacamole.Tunnel} tunnel
* The Guacamole.Tunnel from which the instructions of the recording should
* be read.
Guacamole.SessionRecording = function SessionRecording(tunnel) {
* Reference to this Guacamole.SessionRecording.
* @private
* @type {!Guacamole.SessionRecording}
var recording = this;
* The minimum number of characters which must have been read between
* keyframes.
* @private
* @constant
* @type {!number}
* The minimum number of milliseconds which must elapse between keyframes.
* @private
* @constant
* @type {!number}
* The maximum amount of time to spend in any particular seek operation
* before returning control to the main thread, in milliseconds. Seek
* operations exceeding this amount of time will proceed asynchronously.
* @private
* @constant
* @type {!number}
* All frames parsed from the provided tunnel.
* @private
* @type {!Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame[]}
var frames = [];
* All instructions which have been read since the last frame was added to
* the frames array.
* @private
* @type {!Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame.Instruction[]}
var instructions = [];
* The approximate number of characters which have been read from the
* provided tunnel since the last frame was flagged for use as a keyframe.
* @private
* @type {!number}
var charactersSinceLastKeyframe = 0;
* The timestamp of the last frame which was flagged for use as a keyframe.
* If no timestamp has yet been flagged, this will be 0.
* @private
* @type {!number}
var lastKeyframeTimestamp = 0;
* Tunnel which feeds arbitrary instructions to the client used by this
* Guacamole.SessionRecording for playback of the session recording.
* @private
* @type {!Guacamole.SessionRecording._PlaybackTunnel}
var playbackTunnel = new Guacamole.SessionRecording._PlaybackTunnel();
* Guacamole.Client instance used for visible playback of the session
* recording.
* @private
* @type {!Guacamole.Client}
var playbackClient = new Guacamole.Client(playbackTunnel);
* The current frame rendered within the playback client. If no frame is
* yet rendered, this will be -1.
* @private
* @type {!number}
var currentFrame = -1;
* The timestamp of the frame when playback began, in milliseconds. If
* playback is not in progress, this will be null.
* @private
* @type {number}
var startVideoTimestamp = null;
* The real-world timestamp when playback began, in milliseconds. If
* playback is not in progress, this will be null.
* @private
* @type {number}
var startRealTimestamp = null;
* The ID of the timeout which will continue the in-progress seek
* operation. If no seek operation is in progress, the ID stored here (if
* any) will not be valid.
* @private
* @type {number}
var seekTimeout = null;
// Start playback client connected
// Hide cursor unless mouse position is received
// Read instructions from provided tunnel, extracting each frame
tunnel.oninstruction = function handleInstruction(opcode, args) {
// Store opcode and arguments for received instruction
var instruction = new Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame.Instruction(opcode, args.slice());
charactersSinceLastKeyframe += instruction.getSize();
// Once a sync is received, store all instructions since the last
// frame as a new frame
if (opcode === 'sync') {
// Parse frame timestamp from sync instruction
var timestamp = parseInt(args[0]);
// Add a new frame containing the instructions read since last frame
var frame = new Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame(timestamp, instructions);
// This frame should eventually become a keyframe if enough data
// has been processed and enough recording time has elapsed, or if
// this is the absolute first frame
if (frames.length === 1 || (charactersSinceLastKeyframe >= KEYFRAME_CHAR_INTERVAL
&& timestamp - lastKeyframeTimestamp >= KEYFRAME_TIME_INTERVAL)) {
frame.keyframe = true;
lastKeyframeTimestamp = timestamp;
charactersSinceLastKeyframe = 0;
// Clear set of instructions in preparation for next frame
instructions = [];
// Notify that additional content is available
if (recording.onprogress)
* Converts the given absolute timestamp to a timestamp which is relative
* to the first frame in the recording.
* @private
* @param {!number} timestamp
* The timestamp to convert to a relative timestamp.
* @returns {!number}
* The difference in milliseconds between the given timestamp and the
* first frame of the recording, or zero if no frames yet exist.
var toRelativeTimestamp = function toRelativeTimestamp(timestamp) {
// If no frames yet exist, all timestamps are zero
if (frames.length === 0)
return 0;
// Calculate timestamp relative to first frame
return timestamp - frames[0].timestamp;
* Searches through the given region of frames for the frame having a
* relative timestamp closest to the timestamp given.
* @private
* @param {!number} minIndex
* The index of the first frame in the region (the frame having the
* smallest timestamp).
* @param {!number} maxIndex
* The index of the last frame in the region (the frame having the
* largest timestamp).
* @param {!number} timestamp
* The relative timestamp to search for, where zero denotes the first
* frame in the recording.
* @returns {!number}
* The index of the frame having a relative timestamp closest to the
* given value.
var findFrame = function findFrame(minIndex, maxIndex, timestamp) {
// Do not search if the region contains only one element
if (minIndex === maxIndex)
return minIndex;
// Split search region into two halves
var midIndex = Math.floor((minIndex + maxIndex) / 2);
var midTimestamp = toRelativeTimestamp(frames[midIndex].timestamp);
// If timestamp is within lesser half, search again within that half
if (timestamp < midTimestamp && midIndex > minIndex)
return findFrame(minIndex, midIndex - 1, timestamp);
// If timestamp is within greater half, search again within that half
if (timestamp > midTimestamp && midIndex < maxIndex)
return findFrame(midIndex + 1, maxIndex, timestamp);
// Otherwise, we lucked out and found a frame with exactly the
// desired timestamp
return midIndex;
* Replays the instructions associated with the given frame, sending those
* instructions to the playback client.
* @private
* @param {!number} index
* The index of the frame within the frames array which should be
* replayed.
var replayFrame = function replayFrame(index) {
var frame = frames[index];
// Replay all instructions within the retrieved frame
for (var i = 0; i < frame.instructions.length; i++) {
var instruction = frame.instructions[i];
playbackTunnel.receiveInstruction(instruction.opcode, instruction.args);
// Store client state if frame is flagged as a keyframe
if (frame.keyframe && !frame.clientState) {
playbackClient.exportState(function storeClientState(state) {
frame.clientState = state;
* Moves the playback position to the given frame, resetting the state of
* the playback client and replaying frames as necessary. The seek
* operation will proceed asynchronously. If a seek operation is already in
* progress, that seek is first aborted. The progress of the seek operation
* can be observed through the onseek handler and the provided callback.
* @private
* @param {!number} index
* The index of the frame which should become the new playback
* position.
* @param {!function} callback
* The callback to invoke once the seek operation has completed.
* @param {number} [delay=0]
* The number of milliseconds that the seek operation should be
* scheduled to take.
var seekToFrame = function seekToFrame(index, callback, delay) {
// Abort any in-progress seek
// Replay frames asynchronously
seekTimeout = window.setTimeout(function continueSeek() {
var startIndex;
// Back up until startIndex represents current state
for (startIndex = index; startIndex >= 0; startIndex--) {
var frame = frames[startIndex];
// If we've reached the current frame, startIndex represents
// current state by definition
if (startIndex === currentFrame)
// If frame has associated absolute state, make that frame the
// current state
if (frame.clientState) {
// Advance to frame index after current state
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
// Replay any applicable incremental frames
for (; startIndex <= index; startIndex++) {
// Stop seeking if the operation is taking too long
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
if (currentTime - startTime >= MAXIMUM_SEEK_TIME)
// Current frame is now at requested index
currentFrame = startIndex - 1;
// Notify of changes in position
if (recording.onseek)
// If the seek operation has not yet completed, schedule continuation
if (currentFrame !== index)
seekToFrame(index, callback,
Math.max(delay - (new Date().getTime() - startTime), 0));
// Notify that the requested seek has completed
}, delay || 0);
* Aborts the seek operation currently in progress, if any. If no seek
* operation is in progress, this function has no effect.
* @private
var abortSeek = function abortSeek() {
* Advances playback to the next frame in the frames array and schedules
* playback of the frame following that frame based on their associated
* timestamps. If no frames exist after the next frame, playback is paused.
* @private
var continuePlayback = function continuePlayback() {
// If frames remain after advancing, schedule next frame
if (currentFrame + 1 < frames.length) {
// Pull the upcoming frame
var next = frames[currentFrame + 1];
// Calculate the real timestamp corresponding to when the next
// frame begins
var nextRealTimestamp = next.timestamp - startVideoTimestamp + startRealTimestamp;
// Calculate the relative delay between the current time and
// the next frame start
var delay = Math.max(nextRealTimestamp - new Date().getTime(), 0);
// Advance to next frame after enough time has elapsed
seekToFrame(currentFrame + 1, function frameDelayElapsed() {
}, delay);
// Otherwise stop playback
* Fired when new frames have become available while the recording is
* being downloaded.
* @event
* @param {!number} duration
* The new duration of the recording, in milliseconds.
this.onprogress = null;
* Fired whenever playback of the recording has started.
* @event
this.onplay = null;
* Fired whenever playback of the recording has been paused. This may
* happen when playback is explicitly paused with a call to pause(), or
* when playback is implicitly paused due to reaching the end of the
* recording.
* @event
this.onpause = null;
* Fired whenever the playback position within the recording changes.
* @event
* @param {!number} position
* The new position within the recording, in milliseconds.
this.onseek = null;
* Connects the underlying tunnel, beginning download of the Guacamole
* session. Playback of the Guacamole session cannot occur until at least
* one frame worth of instructions has been downloaded.
* @param {string} [data]
* The data to send to the tunnel when connecting.
this.connect = function connect(data) {
* Disconnects the underlying tunnel, stopping further download of the
* Guacamole session.
this.disconnect = function disconnect() {
* Returns the underlying display of the Guacamole.Client used by this
* Guacamole.SessionRecording for playback. The display contains an Element
* which can be added to the DOM, causing the display (and thus playback of
* the recording) to become visible.
* @return {!Guacamole.Display}
* The underlying display of the Guacamole.Client used by this
* Guacamole.SessionRecording for playback.
this.getDisplay = function getDisplay() {
return playbackClient.getDisplay();
* Returns whether playback is currently in progress.
* @returns {!boolean}
* true if playback is currently in progress, false otherwise.
this.isPlaying = function isPlaying() {
return !!startVideoTimestamp;
* Returns the current playback position within the recording, in
* milliseconds, where zero is the start of the recording.
* @returns {!number}
* The current playback position within the recording, in milliseconds.
this.getPosition = function getPosition() {
// Position is simply zero if playback has not started at all
if (currentFrame === -1)
return 0;
// Return current position as a millisecond timestamp relative to the
// start of the recording
return toRelativeTimestamp(frames[currentFrame].timestamp);
* Returns the duration of this recording, in milliseconds. If the
* recording is still being downloaded, this value will gradually increase.
* @returns {!number}
* The duration of this recording, in milliseconds.
this.getDuration = function getDuration() {
// If no frames yet exist, duration is zero
if (frames.length === 0)
return 0;
// Recording duration is simply the timestamp of the last frame
return toRelativeTimestamp(frames[frames.length - 1].timestamp);
* Begins continuous playback of the recording downloaded thus far.
* Playback of the recording will continue until pause() is invoked or
* until no further frames exist. Playback is initially paused when a
* Guacamole.SessionRecording is created, and must be explicitly started
* through a call to this function. If playback is already in progress,
* this function has no effect. If a seek operation is in progress,
* playback resumes at the current position, and the seek is aborted as if
* completed.
this.play = function play() {
// If playback is not already in progress and frames remain,
// begin playback
if (!recording.isPlaying() && currentFrame + 1 < frames.length) {
// Notify that playback is starting
if (recording.onplay)
// Store timestamp of playback start for relative scheduling of
// future frames
var next = frames[currentFrame + 1];
startVideoTimestamp = next.timestamp;
startRealTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
// Begin playback of video
* Seeks to the given position within the recording. If the recording is
* currently being played back, playback will continue after the seek is
* performed. If the recording is currently paused, playback will be
* paused after the seek is performed. If a seek operation is already in
* progress, that seek is first aborted. The seek operation will proceed
* asynchronously.
* @param {!number} position
* The position within the recording to seek to, in milliseconds.
* @param {function} [callback]
* The callback to invoke once the seek operation has completed.
this.seek = function seek(position, callback) {
// Do not seek if no frames exist
if (frames.length === 0)
// Pause playback, preserving playback state
var originallyPlaying = recording.isPlaying();
// Perform seek
seekToFrame(findFrame(0, frames.length - 1, position), function restorePlaybackState() {
// Restore playback state
if (originallyPlaying)
// Notify that seek has completed
if (callback)
* Pauses playback of the recording, if playback is currently in progress.
* If playback is not in progress, this function has no effect. If a seek
* operation is in progress, the seek is aborted. Playback is initially
* paused when a Guacamole.SessionRecording is created, and must be
* explicitly started through a call to play().
this.pause = function pause() {
// Abort any in-progress seek / playback
// Stop playback only if playback is in progress
if (recording.isPlaying()) {
// Notify that playback is stopping
if (recording.onpause)
// Playback is stopped
startVideoTimestamp = null;
startRealTimestamp = null;
* A single frame of Guacamole session data. Each frame is made up of the set
* of instructions used to generate that frame, and the timestamp as dictated
* by the "sync" instruction terminating the frame. Optionally, a frame may
* also be associated with a snapshot of Guacamole client state, such that the
* frame can be rendered without replaying all previous frames.
* @private
* @constructor
* @param {!number} timestamp
* The timestamp of this frame, as dictated by the "sync" instruction which
* terminates the frame.
* @param {!Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame.Instruction[]} instructions
* All instructions which are necessary to generate this frame relative to
* the previous frame in the Guacamole session.
Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame = function _Frame(timestamp, instructions) {
* Whether this frame should be used as a keyframe if possible. This value
* is purely advisory. The stored clientState must eventually be manually
* set for the frame to be used as a keyframe. By default, frames are not
* keyframes.
* @type {!boolean}
* @default false
this.keyframe = false;
* The timestamp of this frame, as dictated by the "sync" instruction which
* terminates the frame.
* @type {!number}
this.timestamp = timestamp;
* All instructions which are necessary to generate this frame relative to
* the previous frame in the Guacamole session.
* @type {!Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame.Instruction[]}
this.instructions = instructions;
* A snapshot of client state after this frame was rendered, as returned by
* a call to exportState(). If no such snapshot has been taken, this will
* be null.
* @type {object}
* @default null
this.clientState = null;
* A Guacamole protocol instruction. Each Guacamole protocol instruction is
* made up of an opcode and set of arguments.
* @private
* @constructor
* @param {!string} opcode
* The opcode of this Guacamole instruction.
* @param {!string[]} args
* All arguments associated with this Guacamole instruction.
Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame.Instruction = function Instruction(opcode, args) {
* Reference to this Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame.Instruction.
* @private
* @type {!Guacamole.SessionRecording._Frame.Instruction}
var instruction = this;
* The opcode of this Guacamole instruction.
* @type {!string}
this.opcode = opcode;
* All arguments associated with this Guacamole instruction.
* @type {!string[]}
this.args = args;
* Returns the approximate number of characters which make up this
* instruction. This value is only approximate as it excludes the length
* prefixes and various delimiters used by the Guacamole protocol; only
* the content of the opcode and each argument is taken into account.
* @returns {!number}
* The approximate size of this instruction, in characters.
this.getSize = function getSize() {
// Init with length of opcode
var size = instruction.opcode.length;
// Add length of all arguments
for (var i = 0; i < instruction.args.length; i++)
size += instruction.args[i].length;
return size;
* A read-only Guacamole.Tunnel implementation which streams instructions
* received through explicit calls to its receiveInstruction() function.
* @private
* @constructor
* @augments {Guacamole.Tunnel}
Guacamole.SessionRecording._PlaybackTunnel = function _PlaybackTunnel() {
* Reference to this Guacamole.SessionRecording._PlaybackTunnel.
* @private
* @type {!Guacamole.SessionRecording._PlaybackTunnel}
var tunnel = this;
this.connect = function connect(data) {
// Do nothing
this.sendMessage = function sendMessage(elements) {
// Do nothing
this.disconnect = function disconnect() {
// Do nothing
* Invokes this tunnel's oninstruction handler, notifying users of this
* tunnel (such as a Guacamole.Client instance) that an instruction has
* been received. If the oninstruction handler has not been set, this
* function has no effect.
* @param {!string} opcode
* The opcode of the Guacamole instruction.
* @param {!string[]} args
* All arguments associated with this Guacamole instruction.
this.receiveInstruction = function receiveInstruction(opcode, args) {
if (tunnel.oninstruction)
tunnel.oninstruction(opcode, args);